Jason Lewis • July 14, 2022

5 Ways Aerobic Exercise Can Help Your Mental Health

5 Ways Aerobic Exercise Can Help Your Mental Health

If the relationship most people had with cardiovascular exercise was a Facebook status, it’d be complicated. The idea of running or swimming long distances isn’t attractive to many people. However, cardio is a powerful workout that can be integrated into nearly any routine, and has massive mental and physical benefits to mental well-being. 

Aerobic exercise changes how brain cells communicate

At a basic level, nerve cells in your brain communicate with each other and regulate what’s going on in your mind and body.
Stress, anxiety, addiction and other mental health issues can short-circuit or change the way cells communicate with each other, which contributes to problems with relapse and withdrawal. 

As an example,
studies have shown aerobic exercise can change how different neurons signal each other in areas of the brain associated with addiction. Instead of signaling to each other that you need to go smoke a cigarette, they’re changing their tune. Cardio may help reduce cravings and anxiety, and even may reduce withdrawal symptoms. Through cardio, you could be less vulnerable to relapsing. This can be fundamental in achieving change in your life.

Mental fitness and aerobic exercise go hand-in-hand

Per the research journal Cognition and Emotion,
aerobic exercise can improve mental regulation, including helping people overcome feelings of helplessness or serious distress. Oftentimes, a critical part of improving mental health is overcoming distress and negative emotions that make you feel like you can’t succeed. Try to make cardio a keystone habit in your life — instead of mulling over negative situations, go for a jog, ride your bike or do some hot yoga. Cardio is an excellent tool to deal with stress and build mental fitness.

Cardio helps build mental resilience

When you mess up, it’s important that you forgive yourself and bounce back. That’s resilience. The
physical effects of stress, depression, anxiety, addiction and other mental health issues can be substantial. Cardiovascular exercise requires the triumph of mind over body as you push yourself to new limits and achieve your goals. 

Music makes cardio easier

Of course, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Getting your program started out strong can be challenging. There are tools and tricks you can use to help; for instance, upbeat music is shown to help you get more out of your workout. Put on your
Nanopods and your favorite playlist! A study cited by Forbes indicates that not only does music help you get into the exercise groove, it can help you reach your target heart rate and stay there longer, while perceiving the workout as less strenuous. As a result, you can work out longer and with more energy, and feel less tired at the end. 

Aerobic exercise could improve your memory

Ever kick yourself for forgetting an important event? As Aaptiv notes, an unexpected but fantastic benefit of aerobic activity is the possibility to
improve your memory. Maintaining a regular fitness program actually enlarges the part of the brain responsible for learning and verbal memory. That’s a lifestyle and health perk from every angle!

The benefits extend beyond initial recovery

The habits, routines, and skills that you develop in response to addiction can help you maintain all-around health for the long term. The extensive benefits of cardiovascular exercise include the ability to better manage
blood pressure, control weight, improve-self confidence, boost energy, and many other advantages. Regardless of what stage you are at in life, aerobic exercise can help you achieve your wellness goals and be successful.

Cardiovascular exercise isn’t the whole answer, but it’s part of the overall picture of health and well-being. It doesn’t matter whether you get out and run, bike, swim, hike, or something else, as long as your heart gets pumping. Do something you enjoy, but also challenges you. 

Author: Jason Lewis

Jason Lewis is passionate about helping seniors stay healthy and injury-free. He created Strong Well to share his tips on senior fitness.

Ready to create an exercise routine that makes sense for your life? Connect with
Practical Fitness today! 

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By Jason Lewis It is tough for many of us to realize that we are halfway through our lives because even though we know that when it is all over, we will be going to a better place, it is still hard to think that we haven’t accomplished all of the fun or exciting adventures that we set out for ourselves. If you are feeling this way, then you just need to find some inspiration. The professionals at Practical Fitness love to help people feel better about life and what lies ahead, so we have some tips that can help you feel better during this mid-life slump. Try the Ultimate Adventure and Start a New Business Sometimes you may be feeling down because you don’t think that you have any adventure in your life and everything is the same day after day. That can happen a lot if you have a career that doesn’t have you looking toward the future. If you are looking for a change and you have a good idea, then consider starting your own company. The hard part is coming up with an exciting product or service, but once you have that, you can start to create a business plan. When starting a new company, you need to first understand the importance of a business plan, which basically outlines every step of the strategy to bring your new company to life. It should describe what your product or service will be, how you plan to manufacture that item, exactly how much money you will need to get started, where you plan to secure those funds, how many employees you will need, the audience you plan to market towards, and the tactics you will try to reach them. Once you have your plan in writing, follow it to the letter. The other important part of starting a business is getting a marketing plan in place - even if you don’t have the money to execute something large. As an example, memes are a popular way to communicate on social media, and they can also be a great tool for promoting your business. Because they are often funny or relatable, memes have the ability to reach a wide audience and generate interest in your product or service. They can also be easily shared, increasing the chances that potential customers will see your message. Best of all, creating a meme is as easy as using this free meme generator , which allows you to easily add images and wording to your meme. You can have an army of memes ready to go in just an afternoon! Develop a Fitness Routine Believe it or not, one of the best things that you can do during this period of your life is to get involved in fitness. Not only will this help to improve your physical health, but it can also boost your mental well-being. Exercise releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting properties, and it can also help to reduce stress levels. In addition, getting fit gives you a sense of accomplishment and can make you feel more confident about your appearance. So, if you are feeling lost or uncertain about your place in the world, don't despair - getting involved in fitness could be the key to helping you turn things around. If you’re having trouble finding a routine that works for you, consider working with the pros at Practical Fitness for excellent one-on-one instruction you can do in the comfort of your home. Consider Moving and Renting a New Home Another aspect of your life that may have you concerned is where you live. If your friends have moved away, you don’t have a ton of family members around, or you just need to try something new, then moving may be the answer . By going somewhere else, you can experience different adventures, and you may even find a passion, job, or friend that you were never expecting. If you are not yet ready to completely settle in a new city, then renting a home or an apartment may be the answer. Before you pack your bags, it is a good idea to research the city of your choice so you can narrow down your list of potential landing spots. For instance, if you are looking for a rental in Angier, then you can look online and filter out the square footage, number of rooms, and amenities that you would like to find in a rental and then contact the landlord to learn more. Start a New Hobby At the very least, consider finding a new hobby or activity that you enjoy doing that can take your mind off of things. That could be anything from woodworking to putting together complex puzzles. Whatever you choose, it will keep you occupied, so you are not thinking so much about your troubles. A great hobby is hiking because it allows you to get outside, get some fresh air, and clear your mind with a walk through nature. If one hobby doesn’t catch your interest, then try another. As you can see, there are many ways that you can get through your mid-life crisis. Remember to spend time in prayer and consider moving to a new city and renting a new apartment for a fresh start, among other ideas. Author: Jason Lewis Jason Lewis is passionate about helping seniors stay healthy and injury-free. He created Strong Well to share his tips on senior fitness. Increase your metabolism, build lean muscle, and lose fat with personal training from Practical Fitness . Schedule a consultation today!
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